Type Value: TEXT

A TEXT link type represents a plain text resource—such as a .txt file or other raw textual content accessible via a URL. Beyond the common preview attributes (title, description, image), TEXT links may provide estimated reading time and direct access to the raw text data.

What It Includes

When type is TEXT, the response includes a text object with fields like:

  • size: The size of the text content in bytes.
  • estimatedReadingTime: Approximate reading time in minutes, based on the text length.
  • rawTextUrl: A URL to retrieve the raw text content.
  • image: A responsive image object providing various resolutions, if applicable.

These fields allow you to offer a direct reading experience or content analysis. For example, you might display the estimated reading time next to the title or provide a link to the raw text for users who want to read the full content inline.

Example Request

curl -X POST "https://api.peekalink.io/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"link": "https://example.com/notes/meeting.txt"}'

Example response

  "ok": true,
  "type": "TEXT",
  "title": "Meeting Notes",
  "description": "Summary of our Q1 strategy session and action items.",
  "image": {
    "thumbnail": {
      "width": 320,
      "height": 180,
      "url": "https://cdn.peekalink.io/public/images/text/thumbnail.jpg"
    "medium": {
      "width": 640,
      "height": 360,
      "url": "https://cdn.peekalink.io/public/images/text/medium.jpg"
    "large": {
      "width": 1280,
      "height": 720,
      "url": "https://cdn.peekalink.io/public/images/text/large.jpg"
    "original": {
      "width": 1920,
      "height": 1080,
      "url": "https://cdn.peekalink.io/public/images/text/original.jpg"
  "text": {
    "size": 2048,
    "estimatedReadingTime": 5,
    "rawTextUrl": "https://api.peekalink.io/text/12345",
    "image": {
      "thumbnail": {
        "width": 320,
        "height": 414,
        "url": "https://cdn.peekalink.io/public/images/text_pages/cover-thumbnail.jpg"
      "medium": {
        "width": 640,
        "height": 828,
        "url": "https://cdn.peekalink.io/public/images/text_pages/cover-medium.jpg"
      "large": {
        "width": 1280,
        "height": 1656,
        "url": "https://cdn.peekalink.io/public/images/text_pages/cover-large.jpg"
      "original": {
        "width": 1920,
        "height": 2484,
        "url": "https://cdn.peekalink.io/public/images/text_pages/cover-original.jpg"
  "updatedAt": "2024-03-10T15:30:00Z",
  "url": "https://example.com/notes/meeting.txt",
  "domain": "example.com",
  "status": 200,
  "redirected": false

Special Notes

  • Fallbacks & Computations: If the source text lacks descriptive metadata, Peekalink uses AI-driven strategies to generate these fields.
  • Estimated reading time: is computed by analyzing the extracted text content.
  • Raw Text Access: The rawTextUrl provides direct access to the full text content for display or processing.

Schema reference

For a full technical breakdown of all fields and validation rules, including detailed JSON schemas, please refer to the API Reference.